Welcome to Construction Career Days
Sharing trade careers with high school students
Career Days offers high school students the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities which provide insight into rewarding construction jobs. The day long event allows young people to perform actual trade skills and jobs while interfacing with expert contractors throughout the region.
About the Program
We invite you and students in the 11th and 12th grade in your school district to the Southern Colorado annual event in late September. The purpose of Construction Career Days is to broaden student knowledge about the multi-faceted opportunities available and to increase the number of men and women entering the construction industry.
Students spend the day, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. engaging in hands-on events, stationary equipment activities, and technology demonstrations. Lunch will be provided.
The Southern Colorado Construction Career Day Foundation plans this day to introduce the Construction Industry to our next generation. This will give these students a great insight to the job opportunities offered in the Construction industry. Please help us help them!!!!!!!
How Registration Works
Complete the online form then bring signed student permission forms to the event
To register, school representatives (teachers and counselors) complete the online event registration. On the form, school reps must provide the number of students they plan to bring. Once registration is complete a confirmation will be emailed to you.
Download the student permission form and provide to all the students you plan to bring. Have their parent, or guardian sign the form and return to you.
ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A SIGNED PERMISSION FORM TO ATTEND THE EVENT. The day of the event, provide the Career Days team the names of all students and their signed permission forms at check-in.
Download the Student Permission Forms
All student attendees must bring a signed permission form.
After school reps register, download the appropriate form and have all your students sign and return to you. Bring all signed forms to us the day of the event.
Why Career Days is Needed
Predictions indicate that the construction industry needs 250,000 new workers per year to meet future growth projections. The average age of workers in the skilled trades nationwide is 48-50 and many will be retiring in the near future. This will leave vacancies in the construction industry.
Most high school students lack the opportunity to be introduced to the possibility of a career in construction as more and more schools no longer offer vocational-tech or industrial art classes. If students do not fit into the high-tech peg and are not college bound, they are often left wondering what they can do with their futures. The field of construction offers a wide range of jobs and great opportunities for advancement and is a great field for young people to start their careers.
Event At A Glance
Why You Should Attend
• Explore design and engineering
• Experience a trade skill
• Discover Project Management
• Operate heavy equipment
• Assist students in learning about construction careers
• See the variety of industry careers available
• Gather information and contacts for classroom discussions on career options
What You Will Experience
• Hands-on activities – a variety which may include masonry, carpentry, electrical and MORE
• Heavy stationary equipment – backhoes, people lifts, snow plow and MORE
What Is Needed Day of the Event
• Signed CCD permission slip
• Long pants and closed toed shoes (like tennis shoes)
• No tank tops
• Be aware of weather – a jacket may be necessary
• Hard hats and safety glasses will be provided
• Lunch is provided
• All participants must be registered
Why A Career in Construction
• Jobs are plentiful. Nationally 200,000 new positions in construction related industries are available each year.
• A variety of construction related careers are available including skilled and craft level, draft and architecture, technical and engineering and management and safety.
• Diverse educational possibilities are available with on the job training, apprenticeships and vocational training with 2 year or 4 year degrees and more.
• Good wages – on job training hourly pay can start at $15.00 providing workers an opportunity to earn as they learn without college debt.